On January 13th, 2023 Abriso Jiffy and the shareholders of Sapronit closed the transaction to acquire the business of Sapronit.
Jean-Baptiste De Ruyck, CEO of Abriso Jiffy said: “Over the years Jean Charles and his management team of Sapronit have built a fantastic business and I’m proud that we have been able to reach an agreement for this strategically important acquisition.
Their products are totally complementary to Abriso Jiffy and I’m confident that this combination will enhance our product offering to our clients across France and the rest of Western Europe. Over the last few years Sapronit has invested significantly in a stateof-the-art production facility & strong management team and these are great assets for AbrisoJiffy in the further professionalisation of our business, to remain the best partners for our customers across regions & industries. I would like to thank the Sapronit team for the efficient and constructive acquisition process and I’m looking forward to the journey ahead.”
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Denn wir bekennen uns zu 100% zu unserer sogenannten „Kreislaufwirtschaft“ und unseren „Cradle-to-Cradle“-Produkten. Das bedeutet im Wesentlichen, dass kein einziger unserer Abfälle in der Verbrennungsanlage oder auf der Mülldeponie landet. Tatsächlich haben wir keinen Abfall. Alles wird wiederverwendet. Und das tun wir im Wesentlichen auf zwei Arten.